The major world producers of passion fruit are Australia, Hawaii, South Africa and Brazil. In Brazil, yellow passion fruit accounts for 95% of production, while the purple passion fruit accounts for the remaining 5%. The fruit has high nutritional and medicinal value. It is a rich source of Vitamins A and C and contains fair amounts of iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulphur and chlorides and has dietary fiber and protein. Fruits are eaten fresh or processed into products like jams, squash, juice, cakes, pies and ice-cream. Passion fruits are adapted to climates ranging from cool subtropical to warm tropical, but are sensitive to extremes of both low and high temperatures. Purple passion fruit does well in the upper midland to upper highland zones. Yellow passion fruits do well in the lower midland and lowland zones. Passion fruits develop continuously in the tropics and require a constant supply of water to enable continuous flowering and fruiting.