This chapter explains the existing capabilities for occupational safety and health (OSH) education in individual nations and regions. Millions of people are injured and killed each year while they are working. Many of these injuries and deaths are due to inadequate training or education in OSH. OSH professionals use education and experience to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control workplace risks. Their goal is to provide workplaces free from hazards that can cause injury, disease, or death. OSH professionals need additional credentials in order to be effective working abroad. Professional training in OSH is to be encouraged through continuous learning by participation in various professional organizations offering training through conferences, technical courses, and webinars. The Occupational Hygiene Training Association (OHTA) promotes occupational hygiene standards of practice on an international platform. OHTA modules can be used as stepping stones to professional certification by organizations within International Occupational Hygiene Association National Accreditation Recognition program.