Water bodies worldwide are step by step eutrophicated as a result of human obstruction in various ways like pesticide utilization, industrialization and so forth. The eutrophicated water is the great habitat for the rich development of algal blooms. Cultivating the areas with different kinds of plants near surface waters in order to keep a balance between the water and point/non-point wellsprings of contamination. Blocking of supplements and different contaminations from entering surface waters. Aerators direct air all through the water section to disturb stratification. Air may be drawn through a diffuser close to the base of the water body, bringing about the produced plumes that rise to the surface that make vertical circulation cells as they spread out from the aerator. Cyanobacterial sprouts frequently frame surface scums, particularly in the final stages of a bloom. Oil slick skimmers have been utilized to expel blue greens from these surface scums.