In vermicomposting process, organic waste is converted into valuable manure by use of earthworms and certain microorganisms. Vermicomposting happens to be one of the ecologically sound, economical, and commercially sustainable options for the management of solid wastes. The composition of solid waste differs to a great extent from one place to another, and the planning, designing, and operation of the technology needed for waste processing before its disposal at a landfill are based on the composition of the waste. Solid waste can generally be divided into two groups: biodegradable or organic waste and non-biodegradable or inorganic waste. Inappropriate management of solid waste systems causes environmental problems and climate change, hastens the degradation of natural resources, and degenerates the quality of life. Gasification can be used for treating Municipal solid waste, but it is carried out only after pre-treatment steps like drying and following the removal of inert from waste.