The article presents the analysis of the technical condition of the building, in close proximity to the foundation of which a construction pit was made with a depth of 13 m without proper fastening of the walls. An emergency development forecast was made. For this purpose, a design model of the footing was developed, taking into account the joint deformation of the system “above-ground and underground parts of the building-foundation-footing”. The complex modeling of the stress-strain state and the performed numerical studies made it possible to establish that the excavation of the deep pit led to the simultaneous vertical and horizontal displacements of soils under the building foundations of 30.1 mm and 19.8 mm respectively. A number of soil mass shear lines appeared under the foundations, indicating the first limit state of the footing. The excavation of the deep pit led to the excessive and additional deformation of the foundations, tilt of the foundations and the building as a whole, as well as to the construction stresses above the maximum permissible.