This chapter focuses on different types of tissues, such as: tissues involved directly in osmoregulatory work such as gills, kidney and intestine; and tissues involved indirectly in osmoregulatory work, providing fuels to other tissues such as the case of plasma and liver. The absence of important changes in the metabolic parameters assessed may lend support to the lower activation of kidney metabolism during the first stages of hypoosmotic acclimation followed by an increase at the end of the acclimation period. The liver is the main site of glycogen/glucose turnover, ammoniogenesis, fatty acid synthesis, and gluconeogenesis in teleosts. Only a few studies have assessed metabolic changes in red muscle of teleost fish during osmotic acclimation. The chapter provides a general picture of the conclusions arrived at from available literature regarding metabolic changes during acclimation of teleost fish to hyperosmotic and hypo-osmotic environments.