This chapter presents the research philosophy, describes an integrated research model across all studies, offers a section on philosophical triangulation, and examines the research methodology for each of the studies. The research paradigm guides how decisions are made during the research process. Paradigms can be characterized through their ontology, epistemology, and methodology. Critical realism serves as the underlying paradigm in the qualitative part of the main mixed-methods research. Critical realism takes a middle-ground position between positivism and interpretivism. In positivism, theory aims to predict, whereas in interpretivism, theory describes conditions or context for the production of meaningful experiences. Critical realism emphasizes the need to critically evaluate objects to understand social phenomena. Transformative research has the following characteristics: challenges conventional wisdom; leads to unexpected insights that enable new techniques or methodologies; and/or redefines the boundaries of science, engineering, or education. Post-positivism assumes that an objective and extrinsic reality exists.