Robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy involves performing a laparoscopic radical prostatectomy using a robotic interface. Today, the most commonly used robotic system in urology is the da Vinci Surgical System. In contrary to the pure laparoscopic technique the mobilization of the seminal vesicles is done after the bladder neck is dissected. After insufflation is completed an incision is made directly above the umbilicus and a 12 mm camera port is inserted. A transverse peritoneal incision is made, cutting the medium umbilical ligament. Counter traction of the peritoneum is achieved with the bipolar forceps; bowel retraction is maintained with a fan retractor by the assistant. The anterior bladder wall is mobilized until the endopelvic fascia and the prostate are exposed up to the base. The instruments used are: The endopelvic fascia is opened, exploring the prostate from the bladder neck to the apex.