Photoenolization reactions have been comprehensively reviewed in 1976 by Sammes (Sammes 1976) and, to some extent, in several more recent reviews and book chapters (Klan and Wirz 2009; Mehta and Kotha 2001; Michalak and Gebicki 1993; Sankaranarayanan et al. 2009; Segura and Martin 1999; Wagner and Klan 2003; Weedon 1990; Yoshioka and Saito 2001). …e available kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of keto-enol equilibria in aqueous solution have recently been summarized (Wirz 2010). …e present chapter attempts to recapitulate the main features of this remarkable phototransformation focusing on advances made with o-alkyl aromatic ketones in the past 20 years. …e related photoenolization reactions of nonaromatic ketones and esters are not covered.