In actual fact,the disinfection of drinking water a¨ected by an unusually high population of the Gram-negative bacterium Escherichia coli by means of solar reactors equipped with paraboli ccollectors has been obtained,even though the e¿ciency of the overall process was markedly enhanced by the presence ofT iO2 as a photocatalyst [13]. §e addition of the semiconductor also yields an extensive destruction of a variety of organic micropollutants[14].However,inspite of the intrinsic and experimentally demonstrated highe¿ciencyofsuchapproaches,theirusefulnessispresentlycon©nedtosmall-scale water treatment,mainly owing to the reduced water volumes that can be illuminated in a homogeneous waybyusinglightwavelengthsintheUV-Aspectral range,as well as to the relatively high costs associated with the operation of this technology.Furthermore,theoxidizing intermediates normally involved in such photo processes display an appreciable reactivity against most nucleo tides,hence there is a gaina high probability of promoting mutagenic e¨ects [15].