With the advancement of nanotechnology and polymer engineering, several approaches have been established to introduce bioactivity into resin composites. This chapter focuses on the use of remineralizing, pH neutralizing, and antibacterial fillers to modulate oral biofilms. Silver nanoparticles have been used in medicine for centuries due to its unique antibacterial effect and biocompatibility. Silver ions can interact with the cell membrane and DNA confirmation of many bacterial species. In nanotechnology, the use of nanodiamonds in polymer engineering has improved the mechanical and antibacterial properties of several materials in the industrial and medical fields. The use of bioactive materials in vital dental pulp therapy is a hot-spot area in dental research. In case of reversible pulpitis due to caries progression toward the pulp, it is recommended to use specific liners as pulp-capping materials before the placement of the final restoration to enhance the formation of reparative dentin and remineralizing the surrounding dentin.