This chapter focuses on the use of germplasm collections for the enhancement of pest resistance in barley. It reviews barley history and importance, germplasm resources, pests of barley, and successes in identifying and developing pest-resistant germplasm lines and cultivars. The chapter shows that the world’s Hordeum germplasm stocks are a source of strong resistance to barley pests. Germplasm repositories have a rich history of providing new sources of barley resistance to insect pests. The origin of barley, one of the oldest domesticated crops, is thought to be in the Fertile Crescent area of the Near East. Extensive collections from other countries are obtained through plant explorations and through exchanges with national and international germplasm repositories. The chain of events highlighted demonstrates the value of conserved germplasm and its use in pest resistance efforts. Over 100 species of insects attack barley, most of which are occasional pests that cause economic damage during outbreaks.