The main purpose of this chapter is to provide wide information about the development of ergonomic standards in Cuba, although some studies carried out through the years may be omitted since the information is dispersed. These standards are associated with the development of ergonomics in Cuba and the world, which makes it necessary to mention the diverse institutions, investigation groups, and universities that have supported this process in the country. Among these institutions are the Ministry of Work and Social Security, which has attended to the worries of ergonomists. Still, the country does not boast a society of ergonomics. The necessary competencies have not been defined for ergonomic action nor has a middle-term policy on ergonomic material been established. It is possible to recognize the line of work formed by the ministry mentioned earlier, which joins the technical committee for review, the update of the norms in this material, and the adoption of the norms of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The present chapter tends to initiate the spread of the work of ergonomists in the country where they have participated and supported—Latin American institutions such as the Latin American Union of Ergonomics (ULAERGO), the International Association of Ergonomics (IEA), and universities of the developed world as well as those of Latin America—which has allowed the existence of a group of specialists in diverse lines of work, hence promoting investigations.