This chapter discusses how a standard in safety management should be practiced to eradicate the occurrence of similar crashes, collisions, or disasters. First, the framework of traditional standard in safety management is discussed in detail to point out the limitations of such an approach for crashes, collisions, or disasters to repeat like a vicious circle despite dedicated efforts. Based on the limitations, we discuss how a new standard of safety management should be established to contribute to eradicating this vicious cycle. The discussion is based on the approach that regards crashes, collisions, or disasters as a result of humans’ irrational and distorted decision making—it regards that safety cannot be assured only by identifying direct causes and background factors and extracting a lesson. This chapter provides readers with a new standard of safety management from the viewpoint of humans’ near-sighted and irrational behavior or decision making. The new standard in safety management is advocated so that the standard of safety management is further advanced and may contribute to cut off the vicious circle of similar crashes, collisions, or disasters.