This chapter provides a historical review of the major animal models, describes each in more detail, and offers some thoughts on how best to choose a model for the specific question the researcher has in mind. Many factors enter into the decision of which animal model to select for a particular tendon research project. First one must consider the general area of tendon research being investigated. If just a small amount of tissue is required, as in in vitro tissue culture studies, then rats, mice or chickens may be an appropriate choice. Single limb shoulder spica casts or orthoses are extensively used to protect the tendon repair. Monkeys and other nonhuman primates provide the closest approximation of the human flexor tendon system in an animal model. Models to study the extensor tendons have been described in all of the major animal models used to investigate flexor tendons. Standard biomechanical testing of tendons includes ultimate tensile strength and elongation to failure.