In [1] a new notion of Hopf algebroid has been introduced. It was shown to be inequivalent to the structure introduced under the same name in [18]. We review this new notion of Hopf algebroid. We prove that two Hopf algebroids are isomorphic as bialgebroids if and only if their antipodes are related by a ‘twist’ i.e. are deformed by the analogue of a character. A precise relation to weak Hopf algebras is given. After the review of the integral theory of Hopf algebroids we show how a right bialgebroid can be made a Hopf algebroid in the presence of a non-degenerate left integral. This can be interpreted as the ‘half of the Larson-Sweedler theorem’. As an application we construct the Hopf algebroid symmetry of an abstract depth 2 Frobenius extension [2]