The world of environmental engineering science and chemical process engineering are gearing forward toward newer vision and a newer scientific regeneration. Water purification, drinking water treatment, and industrial wastewater treatment are the important issues facing the human civilization today. Today water treatment stands in the midst of deep scientific ingenuity and vast scientific profundity. In the similar vision, integrated water resource management is the utmost need of the hour as human civilization and human scientific endeavor moves forward. Today nanotechnology and water purification are challenging the vast global scientific firmament. In this treatise, the author deeply elucidates the scientific success and the scientific provenance behind the application of nanotechnology in water purification and environmental engineering. Mankind’s immense scientific prowess, girth and determination, man’s immense scientific provenance, and the futuristic vision of environmental engineering, chemical engineering, and nanotechnology will definitely lead an effective way in the true realization of engineering science and technology. The author deeply delineates the different innovations of environmental engineering and water purification techniques globally. 188The true emancipation of science and engineering will be emboldened as the author moves from one visionary frontier toward another in the field integrated water resource management. Water resource management and water purification are the imminent needs of human scientific progress. Arsenic and heavy metal groundwater contamination are veritably challenging the deep scientific fabric globally. The main pillars of this treatise are the vast nanotechnology applications in water purification and the vast and versatile research and development forays in the field of integrated water resource management. Integrated water resource management and the recent advances in water purification are the other pillars of this treatise. The author also depicts profoundly the vast scientific vision behind environmental sustainability and its immense scientific relevance.