At present, competition in the music education business in Indonesia, especially Bandung, can be categorized as a hyper-competition condition characterized by competition that has gone crazy. The competitive advantages of each company are irrelevant because of the aggressive and innovative movements of competitors. The purpose of this study is to see the assumption that under hyper-competition conditions, businesses will be very difficult to compete if they do not have good competitive advantages, including in the music education business in Bandung. By examining 3 business models in Bandung, namely local school model, course model, and international certification model, this study found that despite the hyper-competition conditions, each of these music school businesses still survives because of the different adjustment factors of consumer needs. This is different from the hyper-competition theory assumption which states that the possibility of a business not surviving if it does not form a new strategy and top management cannot see the changes in market direction that occur, thereby reducing the flexibility of changes is needed in hyper-competition.