An organization is a group of multiple human beings that interact with each other and have a common purpose. Each member establishes itself in the dialectic of permanence and newness, which is done in the interaction with other beings within the organization. As a whole, the organization is an entity that is independent, intact, and has a certainty. There is also the dialectic in an organization between the past and the future. The past and the future of an organization are together in its present, in the atmosphere of competition. The organization is new, but at the same time, is still old. Both permanence and newness are a part of the present of the organization. In this dialectic between permanence and newness, each organization formulates its strategy whose aims are to maintain its life and to achieve its goals of being in the midst of competition with other organizations. By conducting research in various literatures, this study was aimed to uncover the organizational strategy in the dialectic of permanence and newness.