Science and technology globally are in the avenues of vast scientific regeneration. Nanotechnology (NT) and environmental protection are in the similar vein and similar vision surpassing vast and versatile scientific boundaries. Environmental NT is a frontier area of science and engineering today. Environmental pollution control, drinking water treatment, and industrial wastewater treatment are the utmost needs of human civilization today. Environmental NT addresses these aspects of scientific endeavor and opens a newer school of thoughts and scientific instinct in the field of science and engineering. Mankind’s immense scientific provenance, man’s vast scientific grit and determination, and the futuristic vision of NT will all lead a long and visionary way in the true realization of environmental remediation and groundwater remediation. Environmental NT today is one of the futuristic avenues of environmental engineering research pursuit. Nanocomposites are in the path of new scientific regeneration and newer scientific redeeming. Technological validation, scientific motivation, and deep scientific vision of environmental NT will surely unfold the vast scientific truth of environmental protection and water pollution control. In this treatise, the author elucidates on the recent scientific endeavor and the scientific emancipation 76in the field of global NT applications. The author profoundly depicts the success of science, the visionary avenues of engineering science and the needs of human society in the true realization of environmental remediation, groundwater remediation, nanotechnology and nanocomposites. The success of engineering science and technology of green NT, green engineering and green chemistry are elaborated in minute details in this treatise.