The Wronski determinant (Wronskian) provides a compact form for τ-functions that play roles in a large range of mathematical physics. In 1979 Matveev and Satsuma, independently, obtained solutions in Wronskian form for the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. Later, in 1981 these solutions were constructed from Sato’s approach. Then in 1983, Freeman and Nimmo invented the so-called Wronskian technique, which allows directly verifying bilinear equations when their solutions are given in terms of Wronskians. In this technique the considered bilinear equation is usually reduced to the Pliicker relation on Grassmannians; and finding solutions of the bilinear equation is transferred to find a Wronskian vector that is defined by a linear differential equation system. General solutions of such differential equation systems can be constructed by means of triangular Toeplitz matrices. In this monograph we review the Wronskian technique and solutions in Wronskian form, with supporting instructive examples, including the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, modified KdV equation, the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur hierarchy and reductions, and lattice potential KdV equation. (Dedicated to Jonathan J C Nimmo).