Postharvest quality loss of agricultural produce during storage is a global concern. Irradiation of the fresh produce is being widely used to extend shelf life, as quarantine measure, and is gaining increased importance. Irradiation with ionizing energy is also effective in causing death of many common pathogens that include E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, and Vibrio spp. and are responsible for various foodborne diseases. Irradiation of fruits has addressed problems concerning short shelf-life, high initial microbial loads, insect and pest management in the supply chain, and 204safe consumption. Irradiation preservation technique is efficient, safe, no pollution, no residues, and does not result in deterioration of functional, textural, and nutritional qualities of the fruits. Synergistic effects of hurdle technology can reduce the amount of reagent and irradiation dose, to increase the shelf life and ensure the safety of food. With the development in the food sciences, irradiation processing of agricultural produce, especially fruits can further improve people’s living standards and will be of great significance in commercial production.