Sustainable development and road infrastructure maintenance are essential for modern and highly developed economies. Therefore, the responsibility of road authorities to provide infrastructure enabling to achieve economic and social objectives is of capital importance. This provision encompasses both building new and maintaining existing infrastructure. Since the size of the European road network has reached a stable level, the challenge now is to focus mainly, however not exclusively, on balancing road maintenance.

Due to resource scarcity, standardized processes in road infrastructure maintenance are of particular importance. Road engineers make decisions about spending millions of euros. Furthermore, in a constantly changing environment, road engineers have to act quickly, be flexible and consider various factors. The Road Administration of Silesia Voivodship has developed numerous procedures and guidelines in order to introduce a standardization in pavement life cycle management. They have developed guidelines for designing standard constructions and procedures to verify construction works. The pavement quality is monitored at regular time intervals. The results of the inspection feed the Pavement Management System and rehabilitation treatments are scheduled for the next planning period (in general the next 4–5 years). The whole system supports the Road Administration in their maintenance planning at the operative level.