Standard practice procedures of asset management are based on theoretical pavement design life, that is an estimated number of years of service after construction or rehabilitation for the pavement until it reaches failure

The Decision Support Tool (DST) was developed by Jacobs UK to model the performance of airfield pavements and plan potential CapEx (Capital Expenditure) interventions over a 20-year period. The mathematical model is based on Pavement Condition Index (PCI) data; it forecasts the initial deterioration of each airfield section using current pavement condition data, a deterioration rate, which is based on historic PCI information and consolidated asset knowledge.

The DST is fully adaptable to: our clients’ needs predicting long-term pavement performance and recommending treatments based on construction material, operational constraints, etc. Outputs include the cost of the selected interventions year-by-year and the impact of the selected Capital Expenditure (CapEx) strategy on asset performance, in terms of the area-weighted PCI of the airfield year-by-year.

The DST allows asset managers to model the investment required to achieve levels of service necessary to deliver an Airport’s strategic vision and corporate objectives. Recent use of the DST has shown that if pavements are currently maintained at performance levels above the desired levels of service necessary to deliver corporate objectives, then savings can be achieved. For example we have shown that a reduction in performance of around 6% (in predicted PCI values) achieves potential savings of up to 50% in long-term levels of investment required.