To enable large-scale production of algae biomass, technologies should be developed so that biodiesel production will have significant effect on renewable fuels standards. Cultivation of algae is followed by harvesting, and then, processing of microalgae for producing biodiesel reviewed in this chapter. Microalgae species, which are commonly used to produce biodiesel, are presented and are compared with the other available biodiesel sources having various lipid contents. Triacylglycerol is basically a fatty acid, which is being utilized for producing biodiesel, and it is a main source of energy reserves in microalgae. In this chapter, it is shown that due to the lack of nutrients, triacylglycerol will be aggregated in different species of microalgae. Recently, it has been experienced by bioenergy industry that microalgae can be used as a potential biomass feedstock for the production of biodiesel, bio-hydrogen, and methane. Microalgae can also be used as a viable source for producing high value-added products.