Flexible polyamide dentures are currently used as an alternative to conventional prostheses due to its aesthetic and functional characteristics. However, despite the growing popularity of this material in recent years, there is a very limited knowledge about their clinical performance in long-term rehabilitations, including an absence of evident guidelines for their use. The main aim of this literature revision was to find reports of recent advances in polyamide prostheses, with the intention to provide objective information about their design, along with indications and contraindications of their use.

According to the current removable prosthodontic principles and the limitations found in this review, dental prostheses produced entirely in polyamides should be used on a provisional basis or in specific cases, such as patients with microstomia or with allergy to other denture base materials. If the rigidity of the denture is ensured by the inclusion of metal, the polyamide denture can be used in a wider number of clinical situations. Conducting further follow-up studies to assess the effectiveness of these dentures are indispensable to evaluate their clinical performance, understand their limitations and directions, thus being able to outline guidelines for their use and ensuring an adequate clinical performance.