Internet of Things (IoT) devices are now part of our daily life, however, they are considered poorly designed security wise. This poor reputation should hinder the democratization of IoT systems for the industrial sector. Companies continue to deploy IoT devices massively as the functional benefits outbalance the security drawbacks. Yet, existing vulnerabilities could cause severe loss (financial or human). Moreover, consumers and industrials have become increasingly concerned about the vulnerabilities of IoT devices corroborated by the increase in attacks against industrial and consumer IoT devices. Industrial systems are becoming more complex and interconnected than ever, where Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices are services that are consumed by business units or external actors. Therefore, existent and future IoT projects need to take security as a key component for those systems and adopt a security by design approach. The objective of this chapter is to present an overview of the current security challenges of IIoT systems for a platform-based enterprise and common threats and vulnerabilities.