Several studies in the last 10 years have indicated that disruption of the gut microbiota can be a cause of the occurrence of many diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and heart diseases. For this reason, the consumption of probiotic and prebiotic foods and beverages to regulate the intestinal flora has become extremely popular. Kvass is one of the traditional fermented beverages that is native to Russia and is made from rye bread, blackraspberry, mint, sea-buckthorn, and several vegetables such as beetroot. Kvass as a probiotic source is one of the beverages that should be consumed in order to survive a healthy life due to its rich nutritional (copper, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, iron, fluorine, and B vitamins) and probiotic content. To date, although there is very little study on the biological activity of kvass, it is reported that kvass is effective in digestive system disorders and reduces cancer risk. In this chapter, the scientific data published about history, production, health benefits, nutritional value, microbiological, and chemical properties of kvass will be discussed.