Significant non-stationary features are frequently captured in the wind samples of tropical storms, which high-lights a transition from stationarity to non-stationarity on the analysis of wind characteristics. In this study, the monitoring of wind characteristics of several tropical storms is conducted. Based on the long-term monitored data at Sutong Bridge site, the turbulence intensity, gust factor, turbulence integral scale, and power spectral density of tropical storms are analyzed in a non-stationary perspective. Corresponding comparisons with the parameters analyzed in a stationary point of view are made. It is indicated that the non-stationary turbulence intensities, gust factors, and turbulence integral scales are smaller than those in stationary cases. However, the evolutionary power spectral density is totally larger than the traditional PSD in a wide durations. This raises a demand to enhance the structural analysis under tropical storms in a non-stationary perspective.