Uterine fibroids are the most common abnormalities that are diagnosed in women. Problems associated with fibroids are accentuated during pregnancy. Since the average age of first pregnancies is currently over 30 and pregnancies often occur late in life or over the age of 40, the diagnosis of myomas during pregnancy is important. This problem often leads to complications during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Unfortunately, it is not possible to carry out pharmacological treatment during pregnancy and only follow-up is possible. In contrast, in recent years, the possibility of performing myomectomy during cesarean section is increasingly mentioned in the literature, contrary to the previous tradition. The old surgical school spoke against removal of myomas during cesarean section, postponing myomectomy for months after delivery. In contrast, recent studies favored performing cesarean myomectomy without substantial complications. In this chapter, the problems of fibroids during pregnancy, the possibility of cesarean myomectomy, and the complications of the removal of myomas during pregnancy are presented and discussed.