The presence of fibroids attached to organs or locations other than the uterus is called parasitic fibroids. These fibroids occur due to morcellation performed during laparoscopic surgery and then such fibroids are called iatrogenic fibroids. At times, parasitic fibroids can be found without any history of surgery or morcellation. Use of electromechanical morcellator increases the incidence of these abnormally located fibroids. This chapter discusses the pathogenesis and risk factors that can result in this condition. In-bag morcellation is recommended today to retrieve tissues during minimal access surgery. Counselling about this sequelae should be carried out before minimal access surgery for fibroid uterus where morcellation is being contemplated. Surgeons must make every effort to remove all fragments that scatter during morcellation to prevent this iatrogenic situation. It also describes various cases managed by the authors in their practice.