The purpose of this paper is to analyze in detail the existing guidelines issued for assessing the risks appearing during the bunkering process of LNG-fueled ships. Due to the potential of major accidents in the use of LNG affecting both human life and the environment, it is necessary to carry out risk assessment studies both for the storage installation and for the various operations that take place during the bunkering of ships. In this context, several studies have been developed focusing on the establishment of risk assessment guidelines for the safe use of LNG in port bunkering processes. The Seveso Directive 2012/18/EU is among the key legal documents for assessing risk and setting the requirements for safety studies. In addition, there are some International and European standards that propose risk assessment methodologies applied in the field under consideration, while obviously the classification societies and other industrial associations have dealt with the development of relevant guidelines. All the above guidelines are being reported, analyzed and reviewed in this paper.