Amla, an Indian gooseberry, is popular for its therapeutic value especially because of presence of tannins, vitamin C, and several phytoconstituents. The fruit is widely cultivated in Asian continents, which includes India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, China, Malaysia, and Nepal. Several clinical studies had proven that this berry has got excellent antidiabetic, anticancer, antipyretic, and analgesic activities and also possesses hepatoprotective and cardioprotective properties and immunomodulatory effects; it is a remedy for skin and dental-related problems, and it helps to improve hair growth and enhance memory power. There are several value-added products that can be developed by using such wonderful berries such as preserve, candy, pickle, jam, sauce, beverages such as squash, ready-to-serve products, powder, and Chyawanprash. The consumers can reap benefits by consuming amla-based products. Therefore, in this chapter, medicinal properties and processed products from amla are discussed in detail to highlight the significance of utilizing this berry in day-to-day life.