This chapter summarizes information on Canine parvovirus-2 (CPV-2) and the pathogenesis of canine parvoviral disease in dogs. CPV -2 is closely related serologically to feline parvovirus (FPV), mink enteritis virus (MEV), and a raccoon parvovirus, but it is unrelated to CPV-1. Restriction enzyme mapping of the replicative form deoxyribonucleic acid of the CPV-2, FPV, and MEV revealed extensive sequence homology among the three viruses, but differences were noted in at least seven cleavage sites. Most CPV-2 isolates cause hemagglutination of erythrocytes of a number of species under certain conditions, although nonhemagglutinating strains may occur. Virus present in the feces or tissues of infected dogs may be identified by isolation in tissue culture or by direct detection of virus or viral antigen in the infected materials. Viruses have been isolated in a variety of cell lines, or in primary or secondary cells of canine or feline origin.