This article reports on the realization of The Street Store Project in the city of Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This South African Project started in January 2014, in the city of Cape Town. In Divinópolis, the 778th edition of the project was held on June 16, 2018 at Candidés Square. In addition to donating clothes, activities were also carried out aimed at entertainment and personal hygiene care for the homeless people, such as male and female haircuts. The 2018 edition in Divinópolis had the collaboration of 50 donors and it was estimated that more than 100 homeless people in the city were served. Due to the establishment of partnerships, some clothes collection points were distributed in stores and at CEFET-MG. It is important to note that the main positive aspects of this project were the satisfaction of the target audience and the incentive to volunteer work.