The paper aims to determine students’ need toward the learning process with the use of media. Needs identification of learning media is a step taken in the research process. The availability of learning media, the use of media by educators, and the appropriate solutions to meet the needs of learning media, is an important factor that was examined at the Bantul Special School 1 in Yogyakarta. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and literature studies. Based on the results of observations and interviews, the availability of a medium is minimal and there are still obstacles to its use by educators in the form of students who are lacking in the learning process. The learning process should be conducted in accordance with the plan. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze students’ needs by adapting the steps from the Department of National Education (2004): studying the applicable curriculum; determining the competencies of students to be achieved; choosing and determining the material to be presented; choosing and determining the type of learning media.