This research proffers solution to development of values and manners in Undiksha Kindergarten Lab School’s children by specifically discussing efforts made to foster children’s character, which is developed through the creative movement model. The study used the development research method, which is conducted in various stages and carried out through nine main steps. The results of the pretest t-test were 0.425 > 0.05, with a probability of p > 0.05. This indicates that the control class and the experimental class have the same initial ability. The results of the posttest t-test showed differences between the values ​​of children’s character that were taught in the classroom with creative movement and without creative movement, as indicated by the significance value of 0.000 < 0.05, where if p < 0.05 then it shows that the use of creative movement in the material value of character can increase the development of children’s character.