This chapter aims to gain a better knowledge of traditional cassava and sorghum technological processes in Cameroon, and to see their effect on the mineral composition and the phytate phosphorus content of their derivatives. The importance of minerals in animal feed and human food needs no further proof; much work has been done on the consequences of mineral deficiency in food. The simpler the meal, the greater the risks of mineral deficiency, which is very often the case in equatorial Africa. Phytate phosphorus represents a diminished source of phosphorus and accounts for a reduction in the coefficient of digestive use of certain mineral substances useful to the body, especially calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. The various stages in the preparation of cassava, which was culled from a study carried out in 1970.10 The forms directly edible are indicated in boxes. Fragments of peeled cassava root are boiled in water for about 1 hr.