The reality about plastic and its impact on the earth’s eco system is that ‘Every piece of plastic made till date, exists on earth today’. Today the world is transforming from an era of ‘Plastic age’ to an era of ‘Bio-compatible and Biodegradable plastic age’. To overcome this epidemic problem, scientists/researchers are till date working on novel alternative materials to embed these plastic wastes as filler materials or in pristine form to fabricate composites. Currently, to a certain extent, they could succeed with biodegradable, biocompatible, economically viable, environmentally non-pollutant aspects. The aforementioned characteristics were largely observed and visible in bio-based fillers and biopolymer materials. Exhaustive literature surveys on the use of natural fibers reinforcement in Polylactic Acid as a substrate were studied and critically analyzed with a focus on mechanical, thermal, chemical, and physical properties. Studies include methods of composite fabrication, numerous applications of natural fibers based on their properties, and emphasizing the unique properties of PLA as bio-based polymers. Finally, the current challenges faced by the world to overcome plastic wastage using biodegradable polymer with natural fiber and its futuristic applications were discussed.