Voluntary turnover can harm organizations in achieving their objectives. Therefore, organizations need to keep the turnover as low as possible. In order to tackle the problems, they need to identify the current turnover intention level. The aim of this study is to find out the direct influence of work-life balance on employee turnover intention and the mediation of work stress in the relationship. A questionnaire was used to gather data from seven private food processing companies in Tasikmalaya, west Java. The sample for this study are 120 employees. A quantitative method was applied by using correlation and process macro to analyze the results. Work-life balance shows negative correlation with stress and turnover intention, while positive relation is found in the relation of stress and turnover. The study also finds that work stress mediates the influence of work-life balance on turnover intention. This means that employees who have balance in their work-life will less expose to stress which in the end do not have the intention to leave the organization. Management should focus on their human resources policy in order to maintain such balance and the low stress level.