The purpose of this study is to investigate the driving factors of Wakif’s intention to pay waqh with cash at Bantul Regency Yogyakarta. Theory of planned behavior was used with quantitative method. Three variables were tested as driving factors of Wakif’s intention to their attitude and intention to pay waqh with cash. The variables were subjective norms, government support, and self-efficacy. The object of research are people who is going to pay waqh. People that are members of Bazwa with 98 respondents, divided into four village are 35 from Banguntapan, 23 from Bantul City, 11 from Dlingo, and 29 from Kasihan. The type of data that have been collected is primary and secondary data. The methods of data analysis that were used in this research included validity test, reliability test and path analysis. The results of this study indicate that driving factors of intention to Wakif are subjective norms, government support and self-efficacy. The result showed that the effect of subjective norms toward intention is attitude. Subjective norms positive significant to attitude. subjective not significant intention, Self-Efficacy positive significant to Attitude, Self-Efficacy not significant to Intention, Government Support not significant to Attitude and Intention, and Attitude significant to Intention.