The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on customer loyalty. The unit of analysis in this study is Bank Jabar Banten (BJB), and the observation unit is the management of the bank. The population is customers of BJB Precious, which is a service from BJB Bank intended for high-net-worth individuals. Fifty respondents of BJB Precious customers in Bandung city were taken as sample. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that CRM proved to have a significant effect on customer loyalty of BJB Precious in Bandung. The result of this study is expected to have an implication for the management of BJB bank, namely that the efforts to increase the implementation of CRM of BJB Precious will improve the customer loyalty. The development of CRM would increase repeat purchases, purchase across product lines, referrals of others, and priority customer immunity that would have an impact on achieving company targets.