Mares typically show the poorest reproductive efficiency of most domesticated animals. A national average for brood mares having live foals is about 50% according to Evans. Ginther attributed the difference in reproductive efficiency between mares and other domesticated females to the unusual reproductive patterns of the mare. The estroprobe mares were assigned as the first treatment group, the radio-transmitter mares as the second treatment group, and the rectal-palpation mares as the control group. The mares were bred the morning following the palpation of a number 3 or larger follicle. The estroprobe was found to be very beneficial in detecting ovulation in mares. An 83% conception rate on a single breeding was obtained when the mares were bred according to estroprobe data. The estroprobe consists of two parts: a meter box that contains a rechargeable battery-operated voltmeter with a digital output and a stainless steel probe 22.5 in. in length.