Mature Quarter Horse mares fom the Texas A&M University Horse Center were examined, areas of the horse's body that reflected changes in body fat content were selected, and the condition score system was developed based on visual and palpation appraisal. To evaluate the influence of body condition on reproductive performance, a condition score system was needed that would allow on-the-ranch comparison of mares for the amount of stored fat in their bodies. When evaluating pregnant mares, adjustments were required when scoring mares as they approached parturition. The weight of the fetus and associated products of conception tended to pull the skin and musculature tighter over the back and ribs. Maiden mares tended to feel fatter over the ribs than older mares that had already produced foals. Prom an economic standpoint, maintenance of mares in moderate to fat condition may be cheaper than trying to increase the weight of thin mares during the breeding season.