Controlled grazing can be described best as a grazing pattern designed to increase carrying capacity, eliminate overgrazing and overrest, and utilize herd effect. In New Zealand, paddock rest is the key to success in controlled grazing in their stable environment. An effective controlled grazing program can extend the grazing season. Improved forage production is certainly one of the great benefits of controlled grazing. A Power Fence is electric fencing with emphasis on quality, higher-priced energizers, and proper engineering design on the fence itself. Properly installed, a Power Fence can totally control bulls--in fact, there are two very large artificial insemination laboratories near San Antonio that have bull runs of Power Fence. The new high-powered, low-impedance energizers most commonly used on the market are imported from New Zealand. Fiberglass posts are used in Power Fencing systems along with insultimber posts, a self-insulating, high-density wood that has become the product of choice for the Power Fence.