The Japanese Formica ants have been recognized as five species, Formica gagatoid.es, Formica lemani, Formica japonica, Formica and Formica transkaucasica, which are only black in colour. Ants and termites are the most conspicuous and potentially the most important arthropods in desert ecosystems. Termites and Earthworms, as the dry season expanded from south to north of the gradient, showed large Termites soil-feeders to increase their numbers while the large deep-dwelling Earthworms disappeared, expressing differences in ecosystems dynamics. Termites are one of the most important groups of soil animals which consume a major quantity of plant litter in tropical ecosystems and in turn play a significant role in mineral cycling. Excavation activity by ants also affects geomorphic processes and soil formation in arid ecosystems. Annelida and Macroarthropoda were studied in a joint program in 12 forest and savanna soil sub-ecosystems of the Guinea and Sudan vegetation zones in Ivory Coast.