Eleven species of termites have been recorded damaging woodwork in the buildings in Pakistan. These are: Anacanthotermes vagans (Hagen), Psammotermes rajasthanicus Roonwal and Bose, Coptotermes heimi (Wasmann), Heterotermes indicola (Wasmann), Odontotermes obesus (Rambur), Odontotermes parvidens Holmgren and Holmgren, Microtermes obesi Holmgren, Microtermes unicolor Snyder, Microcerotermes baluchistanicus Ahmad, Microcerotermes heimi Wasmann and Microcerotermes tenuignathus Holmgren. A key to all the species, based on soldier and worker castes, is given. Their distribution and foraging patterns are discussed.