The Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations is scheduled to conclude in December 1990. This chapter argues that a “framework agreement” in agriculture will emerge, which closely resembles the conception put forward in the proposals of the US and Cairns Group. In the latter part of 1989, the US put forward its final proposal for agriculture in General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Stefan Tangermann argues that the European Community’s loss on the GATT oilseeds panel strengthens the internal case in the Community for converting to tariffication in the particular sector as an alternative to current price supports. Many commodity groups, and their elected representatives in Congress, seem unable to decide if GATT is an ineffectual group of diplomatic Dr. Jekylls, or a threat to farmers, capable of becoming a monstrous Mr. Hyde. The domestic farm legislation passed in 1990 will contain changes that support the US position in GATT.