Precision oncology is the practice of deciphering the genetic and metabolic characteristics that drive carcinogenesis and using this information direct therapy. Our progressive understanding of the heterogeneity of cancer has driven key research advances over the past 50 years such that nearly all malignancies have a precision oncology treatment option. Some of the key precision oncology advances that are critical to patient care today include monoclonal antibodies, antibody–drug conjugates, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, cyclin-dependent kinases, and immunotherapy. These will be reviewed along with the overlap of precision nutrition and precision oncology, touching on concepts such as the microbiome, and influence of glucose and amino acid restriction on carcinogenesis. The field of precision oncology continues to evolve at a rapid pace driven by our understanding of genetics, molecular biology, and the immune system. However, although we may continue to uncover treatments directed at critical mutations driving carcinogenesis or the tumor microenvironment, practitioners must maintain a comprehensive understanding of integrative strategies such precision nutrition to be able to successfully treat cancer patients.