There is a consensus in the scientific community that the extreme precipitation intensity is increasing with anthropogenic climate change. However, it has been acknowledged that a reliable projection of future precipitation is still challenging issue since climate models have limitations in representing precipitation microphysics at local spatial and temporal scales. In this context, recent studies have focused on investigating the relationships between observed precipitation and temperature, i.e. scaling of precipitation with temperature, to evaluate the changes in precipitation under climate change. The physical theory behind the possible increase in the extreme precipitation is that the water holding capacity of the atmosphere increases in a warmer climate. Although the evidence of the increase of intensity and frequency of heavy precipitation is observed, the changes in discharge under the C-C theory is still uncertain. In this study, we explore floods-temperature relationship that are expected to be similar to that of precipitation-temperature. This study found that the scaling factor between streamflow and temperature is largely negative for a certain threshold while precipitation-temperature relationship is positive. Here, we will investigate changes in design rainfall and probable maximum rainfall (PMP) with a set of climate change scenarios derived from a CORDEX climate change experiments